publisher: Greenhaven
Date: 2009, pages: 145, PDF 5.5 mb
Mexican immigrants make up the largest group of immigrants in the United States and are often the focus of debates about English language learners and bilingual education. It is this inability to speak English—or at the very least, their poor understanding of written and spoken English—that fuels the debate over what steps private businesses and the government should take so that English language learners can communicate with English and non-English speakers.
The controversy starts in the schools with the question of whether students should be taught in bilingual or English immersion classrooms.
Opponents of bilingual education assert that immersion is the best way to learn, both school subjects and the English language. Immersion is just that—foreign-language students are completely immersed in English with all subjects taught solely in English.
Supporters of immersion teaching maintain that children learn to speak, read, write, and think in English very quickly, and usually within six months they become comfortable enough with their new language that they will start using English outside of the classroom.
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