Supplementary grammar exercises for Macmillan Snapshot and Live courses.
1. Present Simple
2. There is / There are
3. Present Continuous
4. Present Simple versus Present Continuous
5. Past Simple
6. Used to
7. Past Continuous
8. Present Perfect Simple
9. Past Simple versus Present Perfect Simple
10. Present Perfect Continuous
11. Present Perfect Simple versus Present Perfect Continuous
12. Past Perfect versus Past Simple
13. Modal verbs: must. mustn·t. can. can·t. should, shouldn't
14. Modal verbs: could, couldn't. would, wouldn't. might
15. Have to
16. Future forms: going to, will. Present Continuous
17. Question Tags
18. The First Conditional
19. The Second Conditional
20. The Passive
21. Reported Speech: statements
22. Reported Speech: questions, commands and requests
23. Relative Clauses
24. Countable and uncountable Nouns
25. Articles: the indefinite, definite and zero Article
26. Comparative and superlative forms of Adjectives
27. Adverbs
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7. Past Continuous
8. Present Perfect Simple
9. Past Simple versus Present Perfect Simple
10. Present Perfect Continuous
11. Present Perfect Simple versus Present Perfect Continuous
12. Past Perfect versus Past Simple
13. Modal verbs: must. mustn·t. can. can·t. should, shouldn't
14. Modal verbs: could, couldn't. would, wouldn't. might
15. Have to
16. Future forms: going to, will. Present Continuous
17. Question Tags
18. The First Conditional
19. The Second Conditional
20. The Passive
21. Reported Speech: statements
22. Reported Speech: questions, commands and requests
23. Relative Clauses
24. Countable and uncountable Nouns
25. Articles: the indefinite, definite and zero Article
26. Comparative and superlative forms of Adjectives
27. Adverbs
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