By Pamela Breyer
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Pages: 146, Date: 1995-11-01
ISBN-10 : 0133402584, PDF 7.5 Mb
This book, the first of a series of 4, fills a niche for ESL teachers and tutors looking to do concentrated work on the basics. The format is very clear and each one-page lesson builds directly on the previous ones, with reviews interspersed every so often.
The book itself is divided into units that deal with a main grammatical concept; other concepts are used at the same time to expand the context and tie in with previously studied material.
An aspect that distinguishes this book from other grammar texts I have used is the repetitive format: the author believes in practice, practice, practice. For some advanced students this may appear redundant, but for those who are sometimes confused by new concepts this format works well to build confidence in their ability to learn.
New vocabulary is pointed out separately from the text, and the lessons build on previously presented vocabulary. The exercises also deal with real-life situations but without the daunting amount of new words found in other grammar texts.
Even the Table of Contents is organized in a way that makes it easy to look up lessons that deal with specific grammatical points. This makes it an excellent book to use as supplementary material for review, though I've used it with success as a core text.
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