Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Size: 1.07 Gb, Level: Starters
Format: ISO + PDF
Platform: Windows XP/7 and MacIntoch
Language: English
Sounds Great Two! is an interactive literacy resource with a special focus on phonics and early spelling. It helps build children’s phonics and spelling skills by focusing on: – short vowels (review) – consonant digraphs (ch, ck, sh, th, wh) and blends – common spelling patterns for long vowels.
It is designed for Year 1, and supports NLS objectives.
Sounds Great Two! builds directly on Sounds Great!, which focuses on initial consonants and short vowels
There are 26 titles in the Sounds Great Two! package.
• Each title begins with a story, which is followed by a carefully structured sequence of activities focusing on specific letter–sound relationships and spelling patterns.
Sounds Great Two! also includes a special Assessment Disk that provides a quiz for each title. Children’s results are recorded automatically. Each of the titles on a CD-ROM has its own teacher support material that includes:
• an overview of the CD-ROM story and activities
• lesson suggestions and teaching ideas for word-level work and sentence-level work
• several copy masters for whole-class, small-group and independent work.
Many activities are similar to those suggested in the PiP materials. Sounds Great Two! consolidates and extends the skills developed in Sounds Great! These skills include:
• phonemic awareness
• knowledge of letter–sound relationships (phonics)
• listening to identify rhyme
• skill in using analogy to construct new words from known letter patterns
• word-building and decoding skills, including segmentation and blending of sounds and selection of the letters that represent those sounds
• the ability to spell simple phonetically regular words and make plausible attempts at more complex words, including words with initial consonant blends and long vowel sounds
• the ability to write simple text
• knowledge of high-frequency words
• understanding of sentence structure.
The following charts show how Sounds Great Two! provides comprehensive term-by-term support for NLS Year 1 Objectives for:
• Word-level Work
• Sentence-level Work
• Text-level Work Listening and Speaking are interwoven throughout the entire programme; both through audio support and discussion during work at the computer, and through a range of suggested follow-up classroom activities.
It includes 3 cd roms and a pdf with instructions.
System Requirements
166 MHz Intel Pentium processor greater
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP
32 MB or more of installed RAM
Works with Win 7
120 MHz PowerPC
MAC OS 90x to OSX
32 MB or more of installed RAM
Download Link
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