by: John Collinson Nesfield
352 pages
Publisher: Read Books (January 31, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1408619296
MANUAL OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION - 1898 - CONTENTS - PART I.-PARSING AND ANALYSIS. CHAP. PAGE 1. ANALYSIS IN OUTLINE . 1 2. THE PARTS OF SPEECH IN OUTLINE PHRASES . 7 1. The Parts of Bpeech. 2. Classification of Phrases. 3. NOUNS . 16 1. The kinds of Noins. b. eLder. 3 . lfuumb. 4. case 4. ADJECTIVES . 26 1. The kinds of Adjectives. 2. The two Uses of Adjectives. 3. Comparison of Adjectives. . 5.
PRONOUNS . 31 1. Personal Pronouns. 2. Demonstrative Pronouns. 3. Relative or Conjunctive Pronouns. 4. Interrogative Pronoun. 6. VERRS . 39 1. The kinds of Verbs. 2. Transitive Verbs. 3. Intransitive Verbs. 4. Auxiliary Verbs. 5. Active and Passive Voices. 6. Complete Conjugation of a Verb in the Finite Moods. 7. Indicative food. 8. Imperative Mood. 9. Subjunctive Mood. 10. Infinitive Mood. 11. Participles. 12. Gerunds and Verbal Nouns. 13. The Strong and Weak Conjugations. 14. Defective, Irregular, and Impersonal Verbs. 7. ADVERBS . . 70 1. The unciionosf d erbs 2. he ds of d i e r b s . 3. Comparison of Adverbs. 4. Verbs compounded with Adverbs. 5. The two Uses of Adverbs. 8. PREPOSITIONS . . . 75 9. CONJUNCTION . S . . b . . 78 1. Co-ordinative Conjunctions. 2. Subordinative Conjunctions. 10. INTERJECTIONS . e 80 11. THE SAME WORD AS DIFFERENT PARTS OF SPEECH . 81 12. SYNTAX AND PARSING . 84 13. ANALYSIS IN DETAIL . . 93 1. Sentences Simple, Compound, and Complex. 2. Scheme of Analysis in Detail. 3. Degrees of Subordination. PART 11.-COMPOSITION FORCE AND PROPRIETY OF DICTION. 14. PUNCTUATI O O R N T , H E RIGHT USE OF STOPS. . 118 t 15. THE NORMAL O RDER O F JVoR s . . 126 BNGLISH GRAhIhlAR AND CORIPOSITION CHAP. 16. INVERSIO OF N T HE NORMALO RDER EMPHASIS . . . 17. STRUCTUR O E F SENTENCES . 18. PURITY OF DICTION . 19. PROPRIETY OF DICTION . .. . 1. Common Errors in the Use of Coiniuoll Words. 2. Words used in Wrong Senses or Wrong Connections. PLURALS IN SPECIALS ENSES . . 20. PERSPICUITY OR CLEARNES O S F DICTION . 1. Grammatical Precautions. 2. The Obscure. 3. The Double Meaning. 21. SIMPLICITY O R EASE OF DICTION . 22. BREVITY O R TERSENES O S F DICTION . 23. ELEGANCE O F DICTION . PART 111.-ENLARGEMENT OF VOCABULARY FIGURES OF SPEECH. 24. ENLARGEMEN BY T COMPOSITION . 1. Unrelated or Juxta-positional Compounds. 2. Related or Syntactical Compounds. 25. ENLARGEMEN BY T PREFIXES A ND SUFFIXES . a . 1. Teutonic Prefixes. 2. Teutonic Suffixes. 3. Romanic Prefixes. 4. Romanic Suffixes. 5. Greek Prefixes. 6. Greek Suffixes. 7. Some General Results, with Questions. 26. FIGURES O F RHETORIC . . . . . 27. ENLARGEMEN O T F VOCABULAR B Y Y METAPHOR A ND METONYMY . T . . PART 1V.-PROSE AND POETRY. 28. MAIN DIVISIONS O F PROSE-COMPOSITION 1. Classification according to Matter. 2. Classification according to Form. 29. PROSOD A Y N D POETIC D ICTION . 1. Prosody. 2. Poetic Diction. 30. MAIN DIVISIONS O F POETRY . PART V.-HISTORY OF THE LANGUAGE. 31. ORIGIN AND GROWTH O F ENGLISH. 1. English and Cognate Languages. i. 0id l i s h 3. Middle English. 4. Modern English. 32. BORROWIN . S 1. Celtic. 2. Danish or Later Scandian. 3. Dutch. 4. Latin. 5. French. 6. Greek. 7. AIodern Borrowings hliscellaneous. 33. NOTES ON AFFIXES AND ACCIDENCE . . . 1. Origin of Teutonic Afbas. 2. Noun Forms. 3. Adjective Forms. 4. Pronoun Forms. 5. Verb Forms. PAGE 135 141 150 156 PAET I.-PARSING AND ANALYSIS. CHAPTER I. ANALYSIS IN OUTLINE. This chapter assumes that the student has a rough k bowZedge of the Parts of Speech to start with. 1..
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