Publisher: Praeger
Pages: 208, Date: 2007-08-30
ISBN-10 : 0275993477, PDF 0.74 MB
Emory University Pediatrician Roy Benaroch wrote this guide to help parents understand the most common childhood maladies and misbehaviors and know what the best options are for action. Himself the father of three, Benaroch shares the insights of a medically-trained parent, telling us what he would do if his own child developed each malady.
The topics addressed range from abdominal pain, ear infections and vomiting to issues with eating, sleeping and toilet training. Benaroch includes the most recent research in each area and shares vignettes from his own practice and his own household.
All parents have faced the frustration of seeing their child sick and not knowing whether to rush to the doctor, offer over-the-counter remedies, or do little and wait to see if the problem passes. So too we have all faced those times when our children seem well but will not cooperate with behaviors involving eating, sleeping, or other activities.
Emory University Pediatrician Roy Benaroch wrote this guide to help parents understand the most common childhood maladies and misbehaviors, and know what the best options are for action. Himself the father of three, Benaroch shares the insights of a medically-trained parent, telling us what he would do if his own child developed each malady. The topics addressed range from abdominal pain, ear infections and vomiting to issues with eating, sleeping and toilet training.
Benaroch includes the most recent research in each area, and shares vignettes from his own practice, and his own household. Known widely simply as Dr. Roy, he is also the author of How to Get the Best Healthcare for Your Child (Praeger, 2007).
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