Publisher: Academic Press
Pages: 1136, Date: 2009-03-20
ISBN-10 : 0123741645
Praise for the 2nd Edition: "Each [chapter] is a gem of clarity and concise application, but space limits the praise. If the book has any failings, it is in leaving the reader begging for more." - John A. Wass, Scientific Computing "Novices or beginners who may be students of engineering, science or mathematics ... definitely needs Mathematica Navigator.
... Those who do not use Mathematica everyday, and may work with it for a period of time and then not again for several weeks or more ... finds that Mathematica Navigator is totally indispensable. ... Finally, some users are constantly working with Mathematica, probably teaching courses or writing programs ... should definitely have Mathematica Navigator. ... Run, do not walk, to get your copy."
- Robert M. Lurie, Mathematica in Education and Research "The present book is one of the best sources in many respects: its perfect layout, carefully thought-of exposition of the fine points of the software, sophisticated and illuminating examples that are all available on the accompanying CD-ROM. The topics discussed cover many topics which occur in the first two or three years of universioty curriculum in Mathematics such as calculus in single and several variables, linear algebra, differential equations, numerical analysis, partial differential equations." - Matti Vuorinen, Zentralblatt MATH "The book is a must for all beginners in Mathematica, and a great help as a reference for those who already know Mathematica." - K. Waldhor, Computing Reviews "... does a fantastic job at introducing Mathematica for the applied scientist. The book's use of Mathematica is slick, intelligent and comprehensive. It emphasizes Mathematica's strengths, and does it in the best possible way." - Joaquin Carbonara, Buffalo State University "This is an excellent reference book that I would recommend to any one who is thinking about becoming (or already is) a serious user of Mathematica ... I am particularly impressed by the organization which allows a mathematician to approach Mathematica by specific mathematical topics rather than using the organization of Wolfram's Mathematica Book. In addition, I find that the text is clearly written and the examples are well-chosen." - Bill Emerson, Metropolitan State University "There is a great need for this book. The outstanding feature of Mathematica Navigator is the great variety of Mathematica programs." - Mike Mesterton-Gibbons, Florida State University "Mathematica Navigator is packed with excellent examples ... an invaluable companion to any textbook for most Mathematica-enriched courses." - Fred Szabo, Concordia University --Matti Vuorinen, Zentralblatt MATH
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