Publisher: Paul Chapman Educational Publishing
Pages: 176, Date: 2006-09-26, ISBN-10 : 1412930855
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Helen Bromley, The Primary English Magazine
All primary schools should own a copy of this book and use it as a
framework for whole-staff discussion and development... Don't just buy it -
read it and discuss it! You'll be empowered and enlivened.
'A comprehensive review of the current state of phonics teaching, from a range of acknowledged experts - this book is an extremely useful contribution to the ongoing debate on the teaching of reading' - Sue Palmer, independent literacy consultant
'The book is approachable yet informed; much of its value lies in its clarity and good sense. The sane voices of the writers bring their wide range of expertise to bear on this most 'hot' of current controversies, offering opinions based on reliable and proven evidence' - Eve Bearne, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
'This book should be read by every teacher of reading who works in an English speaking country. Collectively, the authors make a timely and significant contribution to our understanding of how children learn to read, and how teachers can help them learn better. Anyone who has been frustrated by partial and biased rhetoric about teaching phonics will welcome this admirable and timely book' - Colin Harrison, Professor of Literacy Studies in Education at the University of Nottingham
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