English Business Course – Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate)
Size 3.8 GB
Learn Business:
What happens when your students haven’t worked in business before? They need to learn business concepts like mergers and acquisitions. They need to know essential career skills, like presenting and summarising. On top of this, they need to learn useful business English.
The Coursebook assumes that students have a limited prior knowledge of the business world, so it teaches business concepts and skills as well as business English.
There’s an authentic reading from The Economist© magazine in every unit, so you won’t have to go through the business news pages for reading texts. And every Coursebook has a free Style Guide for business letters, faxes and emails.
Skills Book (for students who have work experience)
(Book + Mixed Mode CD-ROM (program + audio))
Do Business:
Your students don’t need to be taught what a multi-national company is, they work for one. They don’t need to be taught how to write a business report, they wrote one last week. They just need to turn their familiar work life into English as quickly as possible.
The Skills Book includes topics such as ‘meeting business partners’, ‘brainstorming solutions’, ‘leading a meeting’ and ‘making a short presentation’.
It provides students with functional business English that they can use at work straight away. There is also a free practice CD ROM with all the listening material and some of the video as well as extra language check activities.
The Skills book can be used with the Course Book to bring more of a skills focus into your classroom, or use it independently for an intensive Business English Skills Course.
Workbook (Practice for the BEC exam) (Book + Audio CD)
Designed to be used hand-in-hand with the Coursebook, the Workbook has a whole BEC test at the back and BEC-style tasks throughout. Perfect for homework, it has a CD with all the Workbook audio so students can do listening practice at home. And of course lots of extra exercises related to the Course Book.
Teacher’s Book
The Teacher’s Book is for both the Coursebook and the Skills Book. It has teaching notes with highlighted answer keys and photocopiable activities for the Coursebook and the Skills Book and also includes photocopiable frameworks.
Video/DVD (for Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels)
(DVD-Video + Book)
Each video is a drama based on business executive situations. The storyline shows business people in action – chairing meetings, giving presentations, running brainstorming sessions – doing all the things your students expect to know how to do.
Other Components
Test Master (mixed mode) CD-ROM (program + audio), Review Tests, 3 BEC Practice Tests, Articles from www.economist.com, Glossaries and Mini-dictionaries
Missing Components
* Elementary: all except review tests;
* Pre-intermediate: Test Master Audio, Style Guide, Skills Book;
* Intermediate: Test Master Audio, Skills Book;
* Upper-Intermediate: Video, Video Resource Book.
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