PDF For Sentence Correction GMAT Strategy Guide

 By Manhattan Gmat Prep
Publisher: MG Prep, Inc.
Pages: 125, Date: 2008-10
ISBN-10 : 0981853366, PDF | 4,2 MB

The Sentence Correction guide provides a highly organized and structured approach to the variety of questions in this verbal content area. Mastery of sentence correction is possible through the development of a true grasp of the rules of "GMAT grammar." Students are presented with every major grammatical principle and minor grammatical point tested on the GMAT, as well as ample opportunities to practice each one.

The guide also includes online access to 6 full-length Computer Adaptive Practice Exams on ManhattanGMAT's website.

Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 187 "In-Action" problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations.

Special Features

Purchase of this book includes one year of access to ManhattanGMAT's online Sentence Correction Question Bank (accessible by inputting a unique code in the back of each book).

Manhattan GMAT has categorized all the Sentence Correction problems in The Official Guides by question type. These categorized problems have been organized into problem lists that appear in the Sentence Correction Strategy Guide.

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