Pages: 500, Date: 2009-10
ISBN-10: 9264056602, Rar PDF 3.37 mb
Growing flows of knowledge, people and financing cross national borders and feed both worldwide collaboration and competition. These effects of globalisation increasingly impact higher education. How then might the future higher education scene look at the global level? What are the challenges and opportunities brought by globalisation? How can countries and institutions best cope with and benefit from future changes?
Through both quantitative and qualitative analysis, this book provides a comprehensive and structured look at these essential questions. It explores the topic of cross-border higher education in terms of student, faculty and institutional mobility, providing a specific focus on academic research.
Other issues addressed include higher education provision, financing, governance and quality assurance, with an emphasis on the use of market-like mechanisms. The book covers most OECD countries as well as many non-OECD countries and offers the reader specific reflections on China, India and European co-operation.
Table of contents:
-Executive Summary
-Chapter 1. The New Global Landscape of Nations and Institutions by Simon Marginson and Marijk van der Wende
-Chapter 2. Cross-border Higher Education: Trends and Perspectives by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin
-Chapter 3. Trends and Future Scenarios in Programme and Institution Mobility across Borders by Grant McBurnie and Christopher Ziguras
-Chapter 4. Europeanisation, International Rankings and Faculty Mobility: Three Cases in Higher Education Globalisation by Simon Marginson and Marijk van der Wende
-Chapter 5. What is Changing in Academic Research? Trends and Prospects by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin
-Chapter 6. The Giants Awake: The Present and Future of Higher Education Systems in China and India by Philip G. Altbach
-Chapter 7. European Higher Education Reforms in the Context of the Bologna Process: How Did We Get Here, Where Are We and Where Are We Going? by Johanna Witte, Jeroen Huisman and Lewis Purser
-Chapter 8. Mass Higher Education and Private Institutions by Pedro Teixeira
-Chapter 9. Finance and Provision in Higher Education: A Shift from Public to Private? by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin
-Chapter 10. Scenarios for Financial Sustainability of Tertiary Education by Jamil Salmi
-Chapter 11. Quality Assurance in Higher Education – Its Global Future by Richard Lewis
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