Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pages: 352, Date: 2009-11-11
ISBN-10 : 0071624546, Rar'd PDF 1.9 MB's Full
A Perfect Plan for the Perfect Score
We want you to succeed on your AP* exam. That's why we've created this 5-step plan to help you study more effectively, use your preparation time wisely, and get your best score.
This easy-to-follow guide offers you a complete review of your AP course, strategies to give you the edge on test day, and plenty of practice with AP-style test questions.
You'll sharpen your subject knowledge, strengthen your thinking skills, and build your test-taking confidence with
* Full-length practice exams modeled on the real test
* All the terms and concepts you need to know to get your best score
* Your choice of three customized study schedules--so you can pick the one that meets your needs
The 5-Step Plan helps you get the most out of your study time:
Step 1: Set Up Your Study Program
Step 2: Determine Your Readiness
Step 3: Develop the Strategies
Step 4: Review the Knowledge
Step 5: Build Your Confidence
Topics include: History and Approaches, Research Methods, Biological Bases of Behavior, Sensation and Perception, States of Consciousness, Learning, Cognition, Motivation and Emotion, Developmental Psychology, Personality, Testing and Individual Differences, Abnormal Psychology, Treatment of Psychological Disorders, and Social Psychology
Also includes: Practice tests
*AP, Advanced Placement Program, and College Board are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
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