MgH Medical | 2008 | ISBN: 0071488359
432 pages | PDF | 3,8 MB
Learn How to Apply the Principles of Pharmacotherapy to Real-World Clinical Practice!
Pharmacotherapy Casebook sharpens the problem-solving and clinical decision-making skills you need to identify and resolve commonly encountered drug problems. This new edition is packed with over 140 patient cases - all of them new or revised - and makes the perfect study companion to the seventh edition of DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach.
Everything you need to develop expertise in pharmacotherapy decision making:
* Realistic patient presentations include medical history, physical examination, and laboratory data, followed by a series of questions using a systematic, problem-solving approach
* Compelling range of cases-from the uncomplicated (a single disease state) to the complex (multiple disease states and drug-related problems)
* Diverse authorship, with cases provided by 183 clinicians from 82 different schools of pharmacy, health-care systems, and other institutions in the United States and Canada
* Casebook sections conveniently categorized by body organ system to correspond with the Pharmacotherapy textbook
* Coverage that integrates the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences with therapeutics to teach the importance of a sound scientific foundation for pharmacy practice
* Appendix containing valuable information on pharmacy abbreviations, laboratory texts, mathematical conversion factors, and anthropometrics
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