PDF For Mathematical Puzzles - A Connoisseur's Collection

Publisher: AK Peters (December 2003)
163 pages, ISBN-10: 1568812019
File size: 10,52 MB, File type: pdf

This collection includes more than 100 of the best (and some of the toughest)mathematical puzzles ever to appear in one volume.
You'll need a love for mathematical reasoning and a streak of determination. You won't need a professional acquaintance with mathematics; a motivated high school student has what it takes! If you're up to the challenge, there's even a chapter on Unsolved Puzzles.

This book mainly requires that you be at ease with mathematics and mathematical terms on the level of a high school student. The solutions don't involve long calculations and calculus books. They are brain teasers that often require out-of-the-box thought and creativity.

They are excellent for computer science students studying the theory of algorithms, because often the same thought process that goes into solving the more difficult problems in that field are applicable to the puzzles in this book. The puzzles can be very difficult, and several were without solution for a very long time. There is also a group of Unsolved Puzzles at the end of the book.

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