Publisher: Routledge
Date: 1992-11-01, ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415049571
Rar. 1.9 mb
This invaluable text presents a comprehensive survey of present-day English from a linguistic point of view. Based on the original text which incorporates its authors' teaching and research interests, A Survey of Modern English has been adapted for an international audience; it offers a scholarly, systematic review of both the linguistic structure of modern English and its geographical, social, gender and ethnic variations.
Organized into three parts, the first describes the linguistic system, including sounds, spelling, grammar and vocabulary. The second builds on this foundation and deals with variations of English according to use and user--examining subjects such as `Language and Sex' and `English for Specific Purposes.
' The final section covers regional and social variations and includes a chapter on American English. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, A Survey of Modern English addresses both native and non-native speakers.
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